Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today is the 25th anniversary of the first documented case on June 5, 1981. Since that time, HIV/AIDS has spread into a epidemic and claimed more than 25 million lives. About 40 million people are now living with the disease. Last week, news reports discussed how India - the world's second most populous country - surpassed South Africa as the country with the largest number of HIV/AIDS infections. However, sub-Saharan Africa continues to have the highest per capita rates.Of course, there are the inevitable arguments that governments and churches are not doing enough to stem the epidemic. However, government cannot legislate morality. The bottom line is that then, as in 1981, HIV/AIDS remains mostly (note: not entirely) a disease of bad lifestyle choices: while it is often spread from mother to child during pregnancy, the disease is mainly spread because of (1) unprotected, often promiscuous sex; and (2) intravenous drug use. Until this fact is acknowledged and thoroughly incorporated into societies, then rates will continue to rise or remain stagnant in various nations. When men are resorting to raping young girls, believing that it will "cure" them of HIV/AIDS (as happens in many sub-Saharan countries), then we have a ways to go to get the message out.In the United States, many AIDS activists still blame President Ronald Reagan for not saving them from themselves....as though government should be big daddy and monitor what they should have been doing on their own by being more discriminate in selecting sexual partners. And homophobia is a weak explanation, given that while gay and bisexual men are a high-risk group, the lowest-risk group - lesbians - is also a gay group. Why the differences in AIDS rates, when both are gay groups? Answer: in large part due to dramatically different lifestyle choices, especially on the promiscuity front. This is also a point to make, when some evangelical Christians start talking nonsense that AIDS is punishment to gays for their behavior (if so, then why did God overlook the gay women....whose HIV/AIDS rates are lower than that of heterosexual men and women)?And HIV/AIDS is taking more of a toll in Black America, with rates for women (who are catching it through unprotected sex, often with gay or bisexual men on the "down low") particularly up. This has led to many folks charging that black churches aren't doing enough to address the epidemic. I agree, but for different reasons. As a deist, I very rarely attend church. When I do go, I have noticed that preachers tiptoe around railing against promiscuity....lest it alienate much of the congregation (which features more than enough single moms and their out-of-wedlock kids). I have yet to hear a preacher go all out on the issue, with no qualifications or light touch. Monogamy needs to be promoted much more, as promiscuous sex is harming many blacks on several fronts (HIV/AIDS, out-of-wedlock births and fatherlessness, etc.) with particular impact on black women. And while I don't expect a church to promote it...strap on that condom or use a dental dam when you do have sex.

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Blogger Heru said...

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9:15 PM  
Blogger Lisa Price said...

Judgment day is soon to come, no one knows the day when all shall stand before God and confess their sins. God allow us that chance before judgment day, whether we take it or not, is the choice we have. "But when we know that our brothers/sisters stand in the way of destruction, the approach should be with love and not anger. If we never speak up, than how can we share our testimony?

2:23 PM  

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